Hailee Hendrix
My space for stories. The great ones, the difficult ones, and the fantastical ones.

Storytime & Tellers
Worlds and characters that have lived in my head and are ready to come to life.
Storytime & Tellers is a place I wanted to create for not just the words that I've spent hours and months formulating, it's also a place for the imperfect words. A place for those stories that I find jotted on a sticky note, or the poems that are scribbled in notebooks where I was supposed to be taking econ notes. Storytime & Tellers is stories, and it's me telling them. I hope you find a story that speaks to you :)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."
-Ray Bradbury

The Clouds
Get your head in the clouds and keep it there! Where do I get the ideas? Where does the "magic happen"? Literally everywhere. I am inspired just as quickly in a cafe on a rainy day as I am watching an elderly couple sit at a bus stop. My imagination latches onto butterflies and neon lights, handwritten letters and creepy cabins. Nothing is safe. Now, do I think everything I write is great? Absolutely not. But not everything in the clouds is for everyone. The Clouds is my writing headspace. My "mind palace", if you will. The Clouds as seen here is a blog where you'll find story ideas I may never write, life updates, life questions, and behind-the-scenes content to get a look at my writing process. If you're into that kind of thing. Thanks for following along, and I hope that something I write inspires you to go looking for some space in the clouds to fill your imagination with :)